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Available courses

This course presents the available open resources such as software, web tools, etc. to create the online resources. The Indian Institutions participating in RISHII project will choose an aspect related to the Internationalisation from those covered by the 4 RISHII Internationalisation Strategic Lines in which they would like to create their own online resource. The aim is to create user-friendly, ideally interactive, online resources, reinforcing the collaboration between faculty and International Relations Office staff.

This course focuses on innovative assessment practices crucial for successful implementation of internationalised curriculum – assessment for learning, a new assessment paradigm in which the different members of a higher institution community can join efforts to help students develop as global professionals and citizens through providing useful and development-oriented “constructive feedback” on students’ progress. Both academic and non-academic members of staff need to accept and promote such learning culture, which will permit Indian higher education institutions to create and maintain a thriving internationalisation culture and offer students a truly international experience “at home”.


This course relates to the Strategic Line 3, Internationally Open Teaching and Learning, on means to engage students in globally relevant active learning so that they can reach the desired learning outcomes and be ready to act as global citizens and professionals upon graduation. 

This course is focused on raising awareness about the concept of Comprehensive Internationalisation and its importance in Higher Education Institutions.

This course contributes to the achievement of the general aim of RISHII project, this is to move towards the modernization of Indian Higher Education System through equipping Indian Higher Education Institutions with procedures, tools, human resources and continuous professional development mechanisms necessary for Curriculum Internationalisation and creating institution-wide thriving cultures of Internationalisation-FOR-ALL. 

Moreover, it will help to address Problem 2: There is no CI strategic planning & HEIs lack procedures, tools, human resources & continuous professional development (CPD) mechanisms necessary for CI & creating institution-wide thriving cultures of Internationalisation-FOR-ALLThere is no CI strategic planning & HEIs lack procedures, tools, human resources & continuous professional development (CPD) mechanisms necessary for CI & creating institution-wide thriving cultures of Internationalisation-FOR-ALL and Need 2: To equip Indian HEIs with procedures, tools, human resources & CPD mechanisms necessary for CI & creating institution-wide thriving cultures of Internationalisation-FOR-ALL). 

This course relates to Strategic Line 1: Internationalisation of curriculum – why and what for? and will focus on the philosophy behind internationalisation that can yield benefits to all students, regardless of their financial means and social capital – internationalisation for all – internationalisation of the curricula. 

This training will make the participants aware of the multiple advantages internationalised higher education programmes and internationally open teaching can bring to each Indian student and to the Indian society and economy in general. It will also address the question of how International Relations Offices and Faculty members can join their efforts in order to make all the members of their institutions (academic and non-academic staff, as well as students) aware of the need for and the benefits of such internationalisation efforts.

This course relates to the Strategic Line 2, Profiles of global professionals and citizens. It is focused on the mechanisms for formulating internationally relevant degree profiles in terms of competences and learning outcomes. The notions of Global Competences and Meta-Profiles based on data collected globally will be introduced. The need to align all the efforts in order to help students become global professionals and citizens will be made clear.

Plans for strengthening and expanding the internationalisation culture at institutional level